"Once again, thank you for a terrifically good site that is set up to handle just about all of the Singing Valentines experience, not only to process and organize orders but also to manage the dispatch of the quartets.
Rod Rodrigues Singing Valentines Coordinator Heralds of Harmony Chorus Tampa, FL |
"We had a great Singing Valentines season this year and we do love your software!"
"About half of our 85+ orders came in the last 5 days! There is no way we could have had this level of success without your system. And in this case, success is defined as having everything so organized, that all the guys had to worry about was showing up in their tuxedos at 8 a.m. on the morning of Valentine's Day, ready to get on the road and deliver!"
"Now that I have used the software, I would beg the Barbershoppers to spend up to $500/year for continued use of the software as it is that good! If not, I would threaten to quit handling the orders in such a case!"
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