OrderSingingValentine.com FAQs

Click questions below for answers, view plans for price/features or screen shots of the program. - Is it possible to see the order form like our prospective customers will see it?
- What will the url of the order form be that our customers will use?
- How can I try out the OrderSingingValentine.com system before I buy?
- Can I see samples of the report, how the quartets and gigs are organized and an individual gig sheet for a quartet?
- Can the buyer add a personalized message for the card to be delivered with the song, I don't see a box for this in my order form?
- Your system allows for payment via PayPal OR Check OR COD, but I only see the ability for the buyer to choose PayPal in my order form. Can I give the buyer the option to select between all three?
- How do I change the text at the top of my order form?
- How do I change the image at the top of my order form?
- I want to add a note indicating a deadline to receive check payments, how can I do that?
- How do I assign my quartets to the orders and make changes if Needed?
- Can I print all orders assigned to each Quartet, which can be used by the "driver" to manage their day?
- How do we use the auto emails, how do they get sent to the client?
- When assigning orders to quartets, how does the system determine if a quartet is available?
- If we use "Fill with last year's data" in the phone orders form, will it find data from any/all prior years if there is a match on the email address entered?
- When a specific quartet is requested in the order form, does it only show quartets that are available for the delivery time requested by the buyer?
- For the areas we cover, can I add cities/towns instead of zip codes?
- When can we start placing orders for the next year after the current season is over?
- Can we use more than one discount code?
- Is there a way for phone order takers to note who took what orders?
- How can I enter an order after the fact, like if a quartet sells an additional SV on the spot?
- If a phone order taker needs to save an order and finish it later, how can they do this?
- Where do I set the return URL for paypal orders?
- How do I mark an Order as Paid?
- How do I embed my order form at my Chorus web site?
- Can there be a link to my show tickets order form in the SV order form thank you page and the order completed email to the buyer?
- In the show tickets order form, can we offer a discounted ticket if the buyer orders 10 or more at once?
- We offer a personalized card, how do we add that and how do buyers enter a message for the card delivered with the singing valentine?
- We also offer a choice of a red rose or special brownies as gifts how do we add this to our order form?
- Is there a map feature and if so how do we use it?
- How can I stop all orders if we have taken all we can fill?
- Can I run test orders and not be charged for them?
- How can I include our phone number in the order form the public uses?
- Tips for making quartet assignments
- Tips for editing your order form
- How do order types and order time frames work?

Phone Orders form

- How is the "SV Phone Order" form different from the web form that buyers use directly?
- In the Phone orders form, if I change anything, the Order Total does not change?
- How can I enter a special priced order for members or friends/family that is not available to the public?
- I want to enter orders on a special date that regular customers won't see. How?
- How do I enter products and prices specific to the phone orders form?
- Will phone orders entered on the phone orders form show up with all my orders from the web form?

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