So a few years ago I was visiting with my Dad, who has been a
Barbershopper pretty much all my life, at least as far back as I can
remember... and he was telling me about the complexties of running "Valentine Central".
For many years, he ran the Singing Valentine program for the Greensboro Tarheel Chorus in Greensboro, NC (that's him below getting
the Barbershopper Of The Year award in Greensboro). I grew up in a musical family and have
been involved with music in various ways most of my life, so I understand and appreciate barbershop singing, chorus and a ccapala
singing and what a great thing Singing Valentines are! And, I have on several occasions sung a few "tags" over the years.
My career path has been in web development, and as my Dad told me more about his Singing Valentine operation, and "Valentine Central", I quickly realized that a web application and online ordering could greatly improve the operation. The ordering process, method of payment, management of the orders, making assignments to the quartets, tracking of payments and reporting at the end, I knew could all be done more efficiently and effectively through a web application.
So after many years of testing and development, the web application became a reality and it is now available for your chorus! A special thanks to Gerald Meisner and Harol Hoffman of the Greensboro Tarheel Chorus for help with early testing and suggestions.   Thanks for stopping by. Kurt Irmiter would like to help make your "Valentine Central" a smoother, more efficient and more profitable operation! We cah help you make your next Singing Valentine season the best it has ever been.   Join Now!
Donn Irmiter(Dad) & Kurt Irmiter. I think we were kidding around about who would carry my Mom's purse! is a project of, a Florida based company.