Credit card payments are processed through Paypal. Enter payment info there. A Paypal account is not needed to make payment.
Note, this is not a guaranteed delivery time due to routing and other time constraints, but we will do our best to accommodate.
We can not guarantee you will get the requested quartet, due to routing and time constraints. We will do our best to accommodate your request.

The East Valley Harmonizers & The Phoenicians Chorus, Mesa, AZ

Thank you so much for supporting our Singing Valentines program!

The Harmonizers (EVH) and The Phoenicians (PHX) are delighted to continue this popular program, delivering candy, flowers and live singing to your loved ones!  We offer in-person deliveries and telephone 'Vale-grams'by talented quartets, available this year on Friday, February 14 from 9 am to 7 pm, and on Saturday, February 15 from 9 am to 7 pm. Any requests for dates and/or times outside of this range will have to be approved by our Singing Valentines Coordinator. His number is 480.539.6085.

 Place your order early to ensure your preferred delivery time. Thanks again, and Happy Valentine's Day!

(so we can schedule our quartets)

 NOTE: If you know a singer in the chorus and wish to request that they appear in the quartet you order,
please enter their quartet name when prompted by the order form (if known),
or enter their name into the Special Instructions field. We
cannot guarantee
your request, but
will do our best to accommodate you.

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